The Torah and the Parables

The Torah and the Parables

The Torah and The Parables Study Guide

Thursdays: Sept 8 – Oct 20, 2022 (6wks)

Time: 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm

The Torah and The Parables

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Sophia Patterson

This course will teach you how to correlate and apply the laws in the Torah to the parables that Yeshua (Jesus) taught. You will gain an understanding of the symbolism in each of the parables for insight into how the parables were used as a teaching device by Yeshua for those willing to listen. At that time, most observance of scripture was taught only by the Pharisees and Saducees. Hebrew concepts such Torah, Shema, Emunah, Teshuvah and Moanzanei Tzedek will also be covered.

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