Leadership & Management Courses

Available Courses

Corporate & Church Responsibility

This course equips the leaders with insight and knowledge of compliance with various laws, regulations, and statutes. While this course is not exhaustive, nor does it insinuate giving legal advice, it does, however, address many issues that can result in public notoriety. Thus, this course serves to help identify what is on the radar to avoid black swan events.  

Enhancing Soft Skills/De-Escalating Conflict

This course helps students identify the intangible qualities that have group appeal and lean toward moving projects forward. In addition, this course equips the learner to de-escalate conflict to sustain gains made.   

Group Dynamics (leading and managing multiple personalities)

This course will help leaders cast a vision to seize opportunities and move processes forward, to maneuver in and around obstacles without compromising core values, and techniques on how to establish and manage relationships for sustainability and balance. 

Leadership Behavior, Integrity, Authority, & Standards

This course will elevate a leader's awareness of the rewards and consequences associated with one's Behavior, Integrity, Authority, and Standards. The learner will learn to navigate treacherous terrains that could compromise their qualifications for leadership roles. 

The Joshua Strategy

This course studies the genius and brilliance of Joshua as a God-fearing leader, courageous military tactician, and bold statesman. An in-depth look at Joshua's strategies includes his approach to serving in a subordinate role, his approach to launching military offensives, his approach as a diplomat, and his approach to managing complacency.

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