Identifying Your Strengths

In this course, the learner will be instructed through various approaches, including a strength-based assessment, on how to focus on current talents and abilities, understand their innateness, and think more broadly. Further, Identifying Your Strengths will help learners develop skills that are valued personally and spiritually and may even help solve critical global issues.  

NOTE: This Course uses a DISC© assessment by a certified DISC practitioner. The acronym for DISC© is:  D - Dominance: Having a direct and guarded, fast-paced, and task-oriented bent. I - Influence: Having a direct, open, fast-paced, and People-oriented bent. S - Steadiness: Having an indirect and open, slow-paced and People-oriented bent. C- Conscientious: Having an indirect and guarded, slow-paced and task-oriented bent.

The DISC© assessment is also used in the “Group Dynamics” course to help leaders establish and manage relationships for sustainability and balance. 

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